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NEQIP- North East Quality Improvement Program (NEQIP).

  1. Board of Governers
  2. Institutional Development plan
  3. Modernization and Strengthening of existing laboratories
  4. Establishment of new laboratories for existing and new Diploma Course
  5. Establishment of new laboratories for new Diploma Course
  6. Up-dating Learning Resources
  7. Procurement of Furniture
  8. Establishment / Up-gradation of Central and Departmental Computer Science
  9. Modernization / Improvement of Supporting Department
  10. Modernization and Strengthening of Libraries and increasing access to knowledge resources
  11. Civil Work
  12. Faculty and staff Development for improved competency
  13. Institutional Committee Meeting
  14. Enhanced Interaction with Industry
  15. Institutional Management Capacity Enhancement
  16. Implementation of Institutional Reforms
  17. Academic Support for Weak SC/ST students
  18. Operating Incremental Cost
  19. Starting New Diploma Programmes
  20. Institutional Monthwise Activity Report
  22. NEQIP Fixed Asset Stock Record
  • Quotation Old
  • New Quotation Call
  • Under DTE [ HRDD ],Govt. of SikkimApproved by AICTEA Digital India Initiative